For those looking to implement our customisable apps, the following should be noted:
- Our app user interfaces are easy to use and intuitive.
- We can create apps for different business categories inlcuding SCHOOL APPS, EVENT APPS, ASSOCIATION APPS and CORPORATE APPS.
- Users do not require any advanced user computer skills to access our apps.
- Users do not require any advanced user computer skills to update information or content for their respective communities on our apps.
- When content is required to be uploaded for general user consumption, the person responsilble for uploading content need only do this once for all platforms.
- Our application affords key personnel the opportunity for push notifications to be distributed to to specific groups.
- Our app offering does not require any integration to other administration systems, reducing security risks.
- When creating user profiles on our app, we require minimal information about users, hence reducing any potential PoPIA issues.